Birthing in Louisiana - Baby Olivia’s Birth Story
Disclaimer: The stories included in this project are to highlight many different stories, situations, locations, and birth experiences in the state of Louisiana. I have been given permission by the mothers to share. They do not reflect my own opinions, beliefs, and/or recommendations. There will be no trigger warnings. Read at your own risk. - Rebekah Blouin
Photo by Hannah Claire Co
At around 9 pm I received a call from Amy and she began by saying, "it's not an emergency, I'm fine!" She was 41 weeks and 1 day so I was expecting a call from her at any time, but this night I was at a baby shower an hour away from my home that I drove straight to after setting up for my son's birthday party the next morning.
"So, I'm having some discharge and some pressure, but it's not bad." After talking back and forth about everything and her insisting she was fine, I told her I would be to her house in 30 minutes because I suspected things may be a little bit more. I was thinking I would chat with her for a few minutes then I'd go home to rest a little bit, but would probably wake up to a call from her in the middle of the night.
Photo by Hannah Claire Co
When I arrived at 9:35, I was greeted by a momma that was still in great spirits, but was bending over every few minutes, breathing deep, and I could definitely tell things had escalated from our call a few minutes earlier. She was home alone with her daughter, so I encouraged her to take a bath to help her calm down and relax while I watched her almost 2 year old. I also started texting family members and friends that I would not be coming home that evening and the to-do list for the party the next day. I was going in between the bath to check on her and the living room to check on her daughter while we waited for her friend to arrive to take over. Within a few minutes, things got even more intense and she decided it was time to go to the hospital. She got out of the bathtub and slowly walked to her room. She made it to her bed and immediately laid down and stated she couldn't move. "She's coming!" she told me, “the baby is coming!”
Photo by Hannah Claire Co
By this point her friend had arrived to watch her first daughter and Momma asked for her to be taken outside. She said, “I can’t do this! I can’t have this baby here!” I asked her, “do you still want to go to the hospital?” “I can’t get up, I can’t move! Please call 911!” I tell her friend to throw some towels in the dryer to warm them up after telling her, “if you cannot move to go to the hospital, your baby is going to come here.” I call 911 as she asked and I quickly explain the situation to dispatch, but cannot answer all of their questions because I am taking care of momma. She asked me to see if baby was crowning so I walk to turn on the bathroom light and when I turned back around, baby’s head was out and she immediately started crying. In between the womb and the world and she was letting out a cry to reassure mom that she was okay. I put the phone down and run to momma’s side and tell her, “reach down and grab your baby! You can do it!” She reached down and pulled her baby to her chest and that is where she stayed.
I arrived at 9:35 and baby was out by 10:25.
The fire department arrived first, then the paramedics. She was transferred to the hospital for a quick hospital stay. Baby and Momma were perfect!
They are now home and doing wonderful!
Photo by Hannah Claire Co
I love to keep going back to this story, because God’s hand was all over it.
Amy and I met in November of 2022 at a women’s event. I had talked myself into going even though I knew NOONE but I knew that would not change if I didn’t get out there and meet other ladies. I sat in the car for about 5 minutes, talking to someone on the phone about how nervous I was, but how I was going to walk up to someone who was getting out of their car and ask if they wanted to hang out. I practiced and was finally ready… I get out of my car and look over to the right and hear, “are you here alone too?” I told her, “YES,” and she said, “want to walk up together?” That was the beginning of our friendship. We bonded because my son was born November 20, 2021 and her first daughter was born December 20, 2021. Here we are a year later and I’m attending the birth of her second daughter in November 2023.
I was not supposed to go decorate for my son’s party when I did, but had I not, I either would not have gotten everything set up in time or would not have made it to her house.
I was at a baby shower an hour from my home, but only 30 minutes from her home. If I had been at my house, I probably would not have made it to her home because she was not showing signs that things were moving that quickly. I would have taken my time to get ready and get in the car to get to her, because waters leaking and “slight pressure that comes and goes” do not normally mean pushing an hour later.
I had randomly brought my SUV to set up for the party and head to the baby shower. It had my “birth stuff” in it because my husband’s car (which is usually packed and ready to drive to a birth) had just been returned to us from a mechanic. I had been beating myself up for leaving my husband with both kids in the tiny Mazda 3, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had my birth tools, extra clothes, etc.
Amy was induced with her first daughter and did not like the experience. She was really not wanting to repeat that. Even though she was seen as “high risk” because she was over 35, she was firm in her decision not to be induced, even after going past 40 weeks… Then 41 weeks… She was not sure if she would be able to give birth unmedicated because she doubted her ability to handle pain. God blessed her with the strength to deny induction and give birth at home, accidentally, after a precipitous labor.
There were multiple other things that God did through this experience that will remain private, but this was such an amazing birth that I am so honored to have been a part of. I’m thankful to have been able to stand beside a friend as she was one of the bravest people I’ve ever known.
Photo by Hannah Claire Co
Birthing in Louisiana - Baby McCullars’ Birth Story
Disclaimer: The stories included in this project are to highlight many different stories, situations, locations, and birth experiences in the state of Louisiana. I have been given permission by the mothers to share. They do not reflect my own opinions, beliefs, and/or recommendations. They have been shared with minimal to no editing on my part. Even with the births that I have attended, my view or opinion may differ, but I have in no way changed the mother’s story. There will be no trigger warnings. Read at your own risk. - Rebekah Blouin
“Labor with my 3rd baby began on a Wednesday morning near 39 weeks in the pregnancy. I had been dilated to 3cm and had lost my mucous plug in 3 parts over the course of the preceding week. My face had recently felt flushed and I felt lots of increased pelvic pressure when walking, so I could tell that my body was getting ready for this baby to make his entrance. There was an upcoming full moon- and we full moons have their way of pulling babies into the world around that time of the month, so I expected big things to be happening soon.
After getting my 2 older boys to school that morning, I ran a few errands and went into work to do some charting before seeing patients for the afternoon shift. I had woken up feeling so uncomfortable and crampy in my pelvis, so I was a little fidgety and grumpy. Contractions started around 11am while sitting at my work desk. They were irregular, but it was enough for me to know these were something greater than Braxton-Hicks. Throughout the afternoon, contractions developed a more regular pattern. At times they were as close as 2 or 3 minutes apart. I had to really begin focusing on my breathing while adjusting my patients- I’m a chiropractor, so my job is pretty physical.
I was determined to keep myself busy and working until I had seen my last patient for the day. I never told a single patient I was in labor that afternoon! Lucky for me, my patients are face down on my table for the majority of my visit with them.
When my shift was over around 5pm, I realized I had stranded myself at work- Although I was still completely fine in between them, my contractions were now too painful for me to drive! So I called my husband Ike to come pick me up from the office, and my office manager Evan drove my car home for me.
Once home, I took a long hot bath with essential oils and called my mom to come sit with me. She sat and chatted with me for a good hour or so while I was in the tub. All the while the rushes were slowly but surely increasing in intensity with each squeeze. When they were very regularly 5 minutes apart and becoming what I would consider “pretty intense”, I called my Doula, Bekah, to be with me for additional support. She arrived around 8pm, at which time I was out of the tub and cuddling with my 5 year old son Everett in bed to help stimulate more oxytocin release.
I let my husband take over Everett’s bedtime routine so Bekah and I could chat. She wanted to assess how far along we thought I might be at this point.
She had me get on the peanut ball for a little while and then on the big exercise ball for about an hour. We sat together in the darkened living room, listening to my praise and worship playlist for a while. It was such a calm labor so far. I remember Bekah asking if there was a specific song I wanted to hear, something that makes me cry when I hear it. I told her “Honey in the Rock.” Sure enough, tears were falling down my cheeks as I was riding each wave of labor on the exercise ball.
Around 10pm, the rushes were suddenly a lot more intense and happening every 3 minutes or so. At this point, I made the decision to load up to go to the hospital. I walked myself in the hospital but had to stop a few times through some strong contractions.
After we got settled into the hospital, the nurse checked me and I was at 8cm! I was very pleased with how far along I had made it laboring at home.
Bekah encouraged Ike and I to slow dance to our wedding song in the dimly-lit hospital room and it helped so much.
It was powerful and beautiful. I remember more hot tears rolling down my cheeks as things intensified.
Bekah and my mom took turns switching out with Ike to help hold me and encourage me with each coming rush. The room was so hot to me, I think they must have cut the AC down to what felt like 50 something degrees before it was all over.
Sometime after that, we discovered I had a cervical lip at 9cm which made me nervous. I was so worried it would interfere with me pushing if that lip didn’t disappear. My legs, lower back and abdominal muscles were burning fiercely. I was also exhausted at this point because I had not rested all day- remember the part about where stubborn Me had worked all day without telling a single patient that I was in labor?!
Labor seemed to stall for several hours from here- not sure why, but my best guess in hindsight is that my body had to shut down to rest before I could finish this labor. So my body quite literally said “Bye Felicia!” and I went to sleep for 30 or 45 minutes at a time, a few times in a row. I know It sounds like the craziest thing, to fall asleep during the middle of labor at 9cm!
I think the rest and the time passing helped with that cervical lip.
The body’s subconscious has much more wisdom than we might realize.
Bekah would wake me about once an hour and tell me “ok… you’ve only had 3 contractions in the past hour, so If you want to have this baby, you’re going to have to get up and move around again.”
I didn’t even realize I’d had any contractions while sleeping, and I definitely didn’t want to move. She finally talked me into going on all 4’s on the hospital bed. Once I was in that position, she rotated my ankles outward, which immediately helped baby move further down. This was the greatest shift I felt through the entire labor- it intensified the pain so greatly and so quickly that I got so mad at Bekah! (Talking with her later, she was actually trying to make me mad so I would be more motivated to labor the baby out!)
I remember trying to climb up the head of the bed to escape the pain.
I finally told her I simply couldn’t take that position anymore and had to roll over and rest some more.
Another hour passed- time seemed to be at a standstill yet passing far too quickly all at the same time. My body shut down again for some sleep…and I woke up with a strong rush that jerked me wide awake from sleep, as if my body was saying, “Ok, it’s ok. And now it’s time. Now it’s time to push him out.”
After giving my body that time and rest, the cervical lip was gone and I was at 10 cm!
Bekah asked me if I had felt my water break yet because there was something wet on the bed. I reached down- and to my surprise, I could feel the water sac bulging out! It was the most empowering moment to feel the progress of all my body’s hard work so far. Bekah told me I could break it myself if I wanted to.
I kept feeling it with my fingers and tried to break it, but it felt really tough-like a thick balloon- and I decided it wasn’t quite time yet. “A few more contractions, first,” I thought.
I let another few waves of contractions pass. Soon enough, I felt enough pressure that I knew I could push baby out, if only the water sac would just release. I needed to get the water and extra pressure out of the way.
So I asked if the OB could come and break my water for me. Up to this point, the OB had been very hands-off and had allowed me to labor through the night with virtually no disturbance.
When the OB came, she gently broke my water, and I felt the most massive relief of pressure I had anticipated. It was great. When I tell you water gushed everywhere… it was EVERYWHERE!
I have never felt such a release of pressure from my body as that feeling.
I tried to feel for his head. No head yet.
Thoughts and questions began to swirl through my brain faster than I could verbalize them.
I asked where the head was. Was it close now that all of the water was out of the way? Dear Jesus, please help the pain. Please help the head to move down. Was anyone worried about slipping on all that water on the floor? Jesus, please help the pain go away. How long had I been in labor? What time was it? Was this ever going to end? Where was my driver’s license? I think I gave it to someone as I checked into the hospital earlier. Jesus, please help me. Was it too late for an epidural? Yes, it was much too late. Jesus, help me!!!
Within about a minute after the water sac had been broken, my legs and low back began burning intensely again as the next rush came on. I felt fire everywhere. I started growling like an animal. I told my birth team I was about to “beast-mode this baby out” and meet my boy.
The contractions were coming on extremely strong now. Birth was imminent and there was no turning back. Here we were. The only way OUT was THROUGH.
About 3 contractions later, I could finally feel the head! It felt strangely softer than what I knew a newborn’s head to feel like.
I pushed, we gained some ground, I pushed again and then lost some ground with his head, but I tried in all of the pushing to focus on what my body was telling me. Some rushes were strong enough to ride, so I could work with my body and not against it, and some weren’t. It was crazy how I could feel the difference between the ones I wanted to use to help push baby out, from the ones that were a no-go.
I remember saying several funny things when things got real in the room.
I remember sarcastically saying “I’m still waiting to feel that ‘Birth Ecstasy’ I’ve read about in Ina May’s book”- (I never felt it, to my dismay…ha)- and then muttering “birth ecstasy… birth ecstasy” over and over, trying to make light of the pain I was experiencing.
I remember growling like an animal more.
I remember making the “horse lips” sound and asking my birth team to “Chung the mother! Chung the mother!” -(If you don’t know what that is… look it up. It’s pretty funny. But it works like a charm for pain relief!)
I remember frantically asking Bekah and my husband to squeeze my back and hips, then abruptly yelling at them to STOP!!! And then immediately telling them, “Nevermind, do it again!!”
Finally, after pushing his head out for what felt like forever, I heard the OB say “let me just get this other… shoulder…out” and that’s when I knew it was almost done.
“Did she just say… SHOULDER?”
“I know that comes next!!!” I thought excitedly. I knew if the shoulders were coming out, the hardest part was nearly over.
I felt light years beyond exhaustion but knew we were at the end of the line and meeting my baby boy was directly correlated with how hard I worked right now, in this very moment. I gathered the last of my strength, pushed one more great time with all of my strength, and out baby slipped! Such a feeling of relief and achievement all at the same time! The burning pain down my legs and back was instantly gone.
Now it was time to see my boy. As they went to lay baby on my chest, wait- WHAT?! All I saw were BABY GIRL parts coming towards me!!!
We had not found out the gender of baby this time- And to think, with every ounce of “mother’s intuition,” I had truly believed that she was another big, fat, boy in there the entire pregnancy!
I held her at my chest in disbelief. I tried to wrap my brain around what was happening!! She latched with no issues almost immediately, and after the cord stopped pulsating, I made the cut to separate us. Two from one. What a rite of passage for mother and daughter. And there she was- living, breathing, thriving with a fantastic APGAR score- this beautiful little female being. I was beaming with joy as the final round of hot tears rolled down my cheeks. Our own little girl- what a blessing this day was! Our family immediately felt complete!
On April 6, the day of the full Pink Moon, We welcomed our baby girl into the world. We named her Audrey Nell- Audrey after my beloved Grandbunny, and Nell after Ike’s beloved Granny. Our daughter was named after two amazing, hard-working and cherished women.
The entire experience was truly liberating. I was able to have the birth I wanted. My wishes for minimal intervention were respected in the delivery room. We weren’t bothered much by the nurses or OB unless WE requested their assistance. My doula advocated for me at times that I was in “labor land” and not able to really talk or know what was going on with the medical staff. She helped guide my husband and Mom so they could better help and encourage me. Because of this experience, I now have faith that you absolutely CAN have a hands-off, natural, unmedicated birth in a hospital if you have the right support network with you.
Many thanks to my greatest supporters on my birth team- My husband Ike, my mom Kim, my doula Bekah, my office manager Evan, and of course… my number one fan, Jesus- who I talked to in great length, and the only man whose name I have called out for help more than my husband’s. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Jamie McCullars, D.C., Owner of Bayou Belle Wellness
Birth location: Monroe, LA
Corey Joshua’s Birth Story - pt. 2
After having my sweet boy, I had planned to wait to cut the cord until after delivering my placenta. My midwife let me know that wasn’t possible because I was bleeding an abnormal amount. After cutting the cord, delivering the placenta, and getting the bleeding to stop, I moved to the pool for a herbal bath. I had a few sweet words with my tiny best friend about her new brother and how excited we were. Things after that became a blur. I remember people looking at me and asking me questions. I remember answering them in my mind and wondering why I wasn’t talking. I was getting frustrated because I felt miles away from my new baby and I couldn’t move. It was really like a bad dream where you’re running so fast but not moving. I remember saying I was getting dizzy and my midwife recommended I get out of the water. (Not sure which came first) I walked to the other side of the pool, went to climb out and I opened my eyes on the floor. My husband still had our baby and was letting me talk to him while my midwife was doing what she could to stop a second hemorrhage. Next thing I knew I was waking up to my husband and best friend patting my face, telling me that I couldn’t die and I had to fight for my kids and to think about them. I remember thinking, “what are you talking about? I’m not dying. There’s nothing to fight because I’m okay???” But while my mind was talking and I was answering, the only words I remember being able to get out was that I was getting stressed out. Which now makes me giggle. 😂 Everyone else was like, “😑 you’re kidding right?! WE were stressed out!” Lol They ended up calling 911, but my midwife got the bleeding stopped manually.🥴 I remember very little during this whole time. A few things I do remember was asking, “can I get dressed before we go to the hospital?” while my midwife’s arm was still inside me. I was asked if the baby was coming with us to the hospital and I looked at my midwife and she said, “I wouldn’t do that because they will admit him.”
During one of the times I blacked out. I was talking to people, answering questions, etc., but after a few minutes I would ask if I had been asleep because I didn’t remember anything.
And that brings us to this video…
My beautiful, talented birth photographer gifted me this video and I had no idea she had made it.
I had to make the easy (but disappointing) decision to leave my newborn at home while I was transferred to the hospital. God had been preparing me for this the whole time and I didn’t even know it.
1. A few months prior I was introduced to @TheAutonomyMommy and she honestly prepared me for how unpredictable birth can be and how I could be prepared for the worst without fear, but even if something happens, I could still have a beautiful birth experience. (Side note: she ended up training me to be a doula 😉)
2. That lead me to preparing for a hospital transfer without anxiety, including hand expressing colostrum with @madetomilk ‘s collection kit so my baby was able to have that while I was gone.
3. People had randomly mentioned hemorrhaging (not just about the possibility for me, but other people’s stories) multiple times leading up to my experience so I was not taken off guard or thinking “I didn’t know something like this could happen!” I did…
I’ve heard so many times, “don’t you wish you had been in the hospital since something bad happened?!” And 100% no… My labor, delivery, and minutes after were a DREAM. I was supported, empowered, and I felt like I was in complete control of my birth. I can tell you that even a year later, I was not traumatized by my birth experience. I am an example of “birth is not an emergency until it is.” I used the hospital for what it’s meant for and it was honestly not even needed it the end. I was 1 point from a blood transfusion, but my midwife had the bleeding stopped before I even got on the ambulance.
My birth team was wonderful and I felt so confident that my husband, best friend, and midwife were able to go with me to the hospital, my daughter was with my mom, and my new baby was with his big sissy (a voice familiar to him), my amazing doula, the midwife’s assistant, and my birth photographer.
I missed so many firsts with my sweet Joshua, but Lili documented them for me and made this beautiful video. I’ve cried so much every time I’ve watched it. I love reliving that day.
Corey Joshua’s Birth Story - pt. 1
I am so excited to share the story of the delivery of this little boy that we were told on October 20, 2020 we would be having. We had not told anyone that we were planning on trying for a baby the following year. Nor had we told anyone that we had both already been preparing for pregnancy for months before this. We were approached by a lady in our church telling us that she saw us with a little boy about 3 or 4 years old and that God was going to call him like He did Joshua in the Bible. We did not know whether it would be our next baby or if it would be a few years, but we knew we were going to name our son Joshua. I dove into the book of Joshua and studied it.
Preaching about Joshua from the Bible while Corey Joshua was in my belly.
In March of 2021, we found out that we were going to have a baby due on November 25, 2021. I did not know whether it was a boy or girl, but I was at peace with not knowing and did not have any ideas either way.
Fast forward to November:
My contractions began Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 1-5 pm, but never went anywhere. On Wednesday night, after our last youth event at church for a while, I arrived home, felt a gush, and went to the bathroom to find bloody show. I notified my doula and went to sleep, giddy, knowing that it wasn’t much longer.
Dinner with family Thursday night
Thursday there was not even one contraction. I felt normal just as I had for weeks before. I went to bed later than I had in weeks around 1:15 am.
I woke up many times with what I thought was gas pain and would go right back to sleep. Around 4 am, I woke up and realized I had woken up so many times so I decided to see if something more was going on. I fully woke myself up, went to the bathroom, went back to bed, and realized the pain was going away and coming back. I only thought the pain was consistent because I felt it every time I woke up.
I let my sisters know that I was having consistent contractions, but I was going to try to sleep, but I was not able to because of the contractions. I texted my mom and asked her if she would go to the store and grab some last-minute things I needed, then come to my house because I knew it was time.
I spent the day trying to do chores and finish getting ready. My doula came for our last “meeting” before the baby, but she also was sure that labor was on its way. She brought me some chai date loaf and labor tea and took me on a walk. Later she and my older sister left and told me to call if anything changed.
While my mom, Corey Paul, and Hannah watched a movie with Adaleigh, I got into the bath and then stood to finish washing in the shower. Every time I lifted my arms while washing my hair, a contraction would begin. I had been practicing for weeks to moan through it and allow my body to do what it was supposed to do. Two hours later I was able to get out of the shower and Renie returned to sit with me for the night while Hannah and mom went to get some rest.
Working through a contraction
After watching both Princess Diaries movies and starting Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, contractions were pretty significant and lasting for longer than a minute. However, they never became consistent in duration or frequency for very long. It was around midnight when I set my phone down and took my glasses off and did not pick them back up. I told Renie, “I think I need Natalie,” my doula.
She arrived around 2 am and I had just moved to my room where I planned to spend the rest of my labor. Natalie sat with me through the night while Renie tried to rest since we were not yet at the point of contacting my midwife. Around 10 am after I had taken another bath and a nap where I was woken every few minutes with a contraction, Natalie decided it was time to let Michelle know what was going on. She told her that she would come by in a few hours to check on my progress.
Natalie had to of been sooooo tired, but she was amazing to me. I couldn’t have done it without her!
Even though I was in pain, Adaleigh really helped to keep me from stressing too much.
When Michelle arrived around 12:30 pm and she checked on the baby’s heart rate and my vitals, I agreed to a cervical check (my first and only this pregnancy) because she told me if I was less than 6 cm, everyone needed to leave the room so I could nap and prepare for delivery. I was 5 cm and 90% effaced at this point, so she decided to stay.
I was so tired after being awake since 4:30 the day before and having only two naps that were interrupted often by contractions. I told Renie “I need to lay down and take a nap or I’m not going to have any energy to push.” My doula told me that I could not stop moving or I would stop progressing. This is the point where I was doubting my strength and ability. I leaned over the exercise ball and cried from exhaustion and slight anger (sorry Natalie haha) because I did not think I could do it. My husband whispered words of affirmation (hello, love language!) in my ear and told me how proud he was of me. Natalie had me walk up and down our hallway, sway through contractions with my hubby, do lunges on the stairs, and move through contractions on my exercise ball.
(It was around this point that things started getting a little cloudy, so I will write from what little memory I have.)
I remember sitting on the ball because I was able to manage contractions and work through them from there. I turned on my Christian Hypnobirthing audio and worked through the increasing contractions. I bent over into a position that I had not tried prior but I just knew I needed to. I let my belly hang and felt relief through the contraction. In the next contraction, I bent backward and felt an intense pain that I had not felt in any of the other contractions. This was the first one that I had yelled through. Natalie said, “that was a good one! We need about 10 more of those!” I shook my head and said, “oh no we don’t!” LOL.
I am pretty sure this was the point I went to the bathroom to “hide,” but I also had a couple of other strong contractions while in there. I came out of the bathroom and was hit by another one that was “different.” I leaned over our ottoman at the foot of our bed on my knees to ride them out. It was then my midwife said, “did you just pee? Because I think your water just broke.” They had already laid pads down on the floor, but Michelle moved me to the bed because “otherwise I was going to have the baby right there.”
Fear took over because I knew I had just been at 5 cm and I felt like there was no way I was ready, but I could not stop pushing. Natalie told me I was ready and it was time and not to be afraid. As I got on the bed, my body took over and I didn’t have much control over my positions. It was okay because I knew that it was doing what it needed to to get the baby out. I leaned back on Natalie, husband and daughter at my sides, and felt the urge to push again.
Michelle told everyone that we were not going to make it into the pool. I felt for the baby and knew it was coming. I felt bulging waters and pushed through the contraction. I pushed on the waters with my hand and felt them break.
I felt the baby’s head crowning and I stopped pushing when the contraction ended but held the baby there to help things stretch. When the next contraction picked up, I pushed again, determined to get the baby out.
Renie was covering Ada from being splashed by anything, but she did not want to miss anything. She was so interested!
I had been set on catching the baby myself, but the pain on my tailbone had become so intense, I bent back in pain, squeezing my husband’s hand and my other hand tensed up. As the baby started coming out, Corey put my hands down to meet the baby and I was able to pull it up onto me.
Corey putting my hand down to catch the baby.
Michelle, the midwife, asked, “well, what is it?” And I was able to check and say, “it’s a boy! My little Joshua.”
Corey and Natalie looked up at Adaleigh and said, “you have a brother!” I was full of joy, relief, and pride. I did it…
There are a lot of gaps in my memory for many reasons, but the next hour went by faster than I even realized. I was able to hold and nurse little Joshua without having to fight for time with my baby as I had in the hospital with Adaleigh.
The cord was cut by Corey right before the placenta was delivered, then he was able to hold him while I got into an herbal sitz bath to relax.
My labor and delivery had been what I wanted and needed it to be. Did each thing go exactly how I had “planned?” No, but I was able to trust my body, labor, deliver at home, and I was content with the things that did not go the way I planned them to, just like I wanted.
I felt supported and empowered throughout my labor and delivery by everyone there. I was surrounded by my mom, my sister, my doula, my midwife and her student, my birth photographer, my husband, and my beautiful daughter. Then even when things took a crazy detour, things could not have worked out more perfectly. (More on that later)
My little one was so brave and excited to be there to see her brother come into the world. She repeatedly put her hand on my shoulder or forehead and told me that I was doing good. While in labor, she kept my mind off things and gave me so many hugs and kisses.
I cannot brag on my doula enough. Natalie knew the positions I needed to be in to encourage progression and supported me emotionally and physically. She fed me and made sure I was hydrated in labor and gifted me with multiple things before and afterward. She encouraged me when I was nervous and hyped me up with words of affirmation. I keep calling her my birth BFF because that’s who she’s become to me. She is more to me than just a birth support person, she has become a friend and such an important person to our family.
Lili was amazing. She captured the birth of our little man so well and stepped up above and beyond what she had to for us after I ended up at the hospital. She stayed for hours after she could have left and helped those who were still at the house. When the pictures of our birth arrived, I went through them crying… and again a few hours later… and again a few hours after that.
Michelle Ray is my superhero. My pregnancy was so good, delivering my baby was a dream, and she literally was a lifesaver. I could not have been blessed with a better midwife. I prayed for her, not knowing exactly who she was, and God provided. I still remember the day we had our interview with her and I knew she was the one. I normally take a few business days to decide on anything, but I was ready to hire her that day.
I prayed over every aspect of this birth. I prayed over our decision of midwife, doula, and photographer. I prayed over our decision to do a home birth, who would be at our home during labor and delivery, and that I would be prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally for whatever happened. God’s hands were all over my experience. I had a peace over every single decision that was made and I knew He was guiding our decisions.
Part 2 to come…
Photography by Lili B’s Birth Photography